marți, 30 septembrie 2014

31 Days (of Healthy Food)

Well, today I found out about a nice challenge that it's in "town" (the virtual bloggers town) and I decided to join in...

31 Days it's about writing about a subject you like for a whole month... first, for your own pleasure, second for others delight!

You can find out more about it here, and here.

Tomorrow we start the challenge, and I hope you will like my 31 Days of Healthy Food idea. I wish that this project will be a good way of making new friends, learn more about food and health.

What I want to offer to you, it's some healthy, YET absolutely delicious treats, for the body and soul. Food that makes you happy, that keeps you healthy and beautiful... with a nice body, a brilliant mind and energy for 2!

We also want that kinds of food that are good for the winter that will come (so you can be cold proof all winter long) and that will not modify your clothes size.

Let's start this journey together, tomorrow, 1st of October, to improve our life-style and make a change in our plates!

If you would like to follow me and find what this 31 Days of Healthy Food it's about, you can find me looking by this pretty little blue button:

Do you know why it's blue?! Because it is said that it makes you eat less (cuz in nature are few vegetables or fruits with this color, and when you'r brain it's processing it, it will say to you: strange thing, be carefoul)! TIP: I don't want to starve you to death, but a successful and healthy meal it's one that when you stand-up and go, you will fell like you could have eat a little more!

Love you all and see you soon!

The posts list:

Day 1- Healthy breakfast
Day 2- Happily ever Breakfast
Day 3- Mix and match 
Day 4- Walnut and hazelnut milk
Day 5- French rolls
Day 6- Carrot hummus
Day7- Apple and pear juice
Day 8- Red lentil soup
Day 9- Pomepii look alike bread
Day 10- Healthy snack
Day 11- Mini cup-cake
Day 12- Hazelnut cookies
Day 13- pumpkin waffe

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